The Department for Public Relations, Layout & Design is responsible for advertising the many activities and events organised by the AStA, designing posters, flyers and online posts for these, as well as increasing the presence and visibility of the AStA within the student body. The department sees it as its task to take over the communication between the departments and the students and thus to carry the work of the AStA to the outside world.

Concerns of the Department for Public Relations, Layout & Design:

  • Presentation of the AStA at events for first-semester students during the introductory week and for prospective students at the Open Campus Day and the University Information Days (HITs)
  • Revision and continuous support of the social media and internet presences through regular posts and contributions within them
  • Development of all essential designs for events (flyers and posters) as well as for the AStA’s social media and internet presence
  • Provision of live streams of StuPa meetings and other important events and meetings
  • Production of various media formats (e.g. videos)
  • Publication of the first semester magazine (“Chaosratgeber”), which is compiled by us every year and contains helpful information for students and introduces the university in more detail
  • Compilation and distribution of first semester bags at the beginning of each new semester to first semester students (“Erstis”) with lots of interesting information, vouchers, goodies and other cool stuff

You can always reach us at:

Your department, consisting of: Mia-Laura Luczak, Leon Wenig & Fabian Josten