The winter semester is almost over and it’s time to rematriculate for the new summer semester 2025. The main part of rematriculation is to transfer the new semester fee of €358.08 to JLU Giessen by 28 February at the latest. Only then can you update your chip card at the validation machines for the canteen or other services and download your new inmatriculation certificate.
Mensa Takeover Finalvoting 2024/2025
Liebe Studis der JLU, THM und HS Fulda,
Mensa Takeover 2024 – Studis kochen Grün! Jetzt bis 31.12.24 abstimmen!
Liebe Studis der JLU, THM und HS Fulda,
Dear Students,
Sommerfest 05.07. am JuWi Campus
Dear students,
Dear students, this year’s university elections have finally begun. They will take place online or by applying for a postal vote (no longer possible) and will run from 10 to 27 June 2024, ending at 4 pm.
All JLU students now have access to the newly introduced group legal protection insurance and the associated legal advice provided by the AStA. The following legal areas are covered by the advice and insurance: tenancy law, contract law, property law, university law. The semester fee automatically includes €2 per semester for this AStA service, which each student pays automatically. In order to contact the assigned LVM insurance company to take advantage of insurance & counselling, you only need to verify yourself as a student on the university website. All information on our website!
The lecture-free period is drawing to a close again and with the new summer semester, the AStA semester kick-off party is coming up again. The motto on 20th April is “The university stays colourful!” and just like last year for Halloween, the party will take place in Lecture Hall 5 of the Law and Economics Campus, Licher Str. 68. You can expect great music from the collective “Nackt & Nebel”, an airbrush tattoo station, a beer pong tournament, a photo box and much more!
Dear first semester students,
dear students,