The Student Council Conference (FSK) is the joint body of the student councils at the university level. It primarily serves as an exchange and discussion platform for the student councils among themselves and is their common mouthpiece. Thus, the FSC is the contact point for the student councils to support them in their work: For all questions from and concerning student councils, the FSC can be contacted. At the meetings of the FSC, current projects and challenges are discussed in addition to the motions of the student councils.

Externally, the FSC is represented by the chairpersons elected by it.

Jaimoe Kaiser (Chair)
Markus Peppler (Chair)
Sebastian Fritsch (Chair)

Here are the downloads for the student councils:

Leitfaden Fachschaftsveranstaltungen

Belegverzeichnis Fachschaften

PKW Reisekostenabrechnung

Formular Ausleihe Studibus

Büromaterialbestellung AStA und Fachschaften

Finanzleitfaden Stand 05/2015

Erstattungsantrag Fachschaften