The Department for Anti-Fascism and Anti-Discrimination aims to lead the fight against fascism and all forms of discrimination steadily and resolutely by, on the one hand, educating people about various forms of fascism and offering and supporting resistance against them. On the other hand, by acting as a point of contact for those affected and preventing discrimination through educational work and campaigns. Anti-Semitism, hostility towards Muslims, racism (including against Roma and Sinti), anti-feminism, sexism and LGBTQI* hostility, ableism and classism, i.e. all forms of group-based misanthropy and fascist ideas, have no place at our university and must be combated jointly and effectively.
At a time when right-wing extremist parties and groups such as the AfD are gaining increasing support and attacks against Jewish, Muslim and migrant people are on the rise, it is more important than ever to take decisive action against them. Group-based hatred has always not only taken place behind closed doors, but also manifests itself at regulars’ tables, in schools, at work, at universities or on the street. The university, as a place of enlightenment, should resist this hatred and be a protective space.
We will expand services and contact options for those affected. Specifically, we want to become more approachable for those affected, make the problem of discrimination at the university more visible and take a firm stand against it. We will continue to organise and support demonstrations and campaigns and offer workshops, lectures and seminars. Our cooperation partners are all those who take a stand against fascism and discrimination.

What specific goals are we pursuing?

  • Establishment of a reporting centre for incidents of discrimination
  • Support for those affected, including as a confidential mediation centre
  • Dealing with incidents of discrimination on the basis of solidarity with those affected
  • Establishment of educational and prevention events on the topic of fascism
  • Discussion and education about the local right-wing scene (fraternities, parties, lateral thinking movement, etc.)
  • Helping to build up and organise a stable anti-fascist resistance
  • Addressing accessibility at the university and in the AStA with the aim of improving it
  • Establishment of a BIPoC department and close cooperation with it
  • Promoting interculturality and diversity
    • through an intercultural excursion during Freshers’ Week
    • with the demand for halal, kosher and vegan food in the canteen and the offer of national dishes
  • Establishment of rooms of silence
  • Establishment of an awareness concept for events
  • Introduction of free menstrual products
  • Creation of unisex toilets

Get in touch with us at We are available to you as a confidential point of contact for all matters relating to anti-fascism and anti-discrimination. We take all your concerns seriously and try to help you and/or mediate concretely.

Bekir Yilan & Nico Cieslarczyk