The Department of Finances and Human Resources is responsible for ensuring that the AStA’s financial resources are used transparently and sustainably. This also includes supporting the diverse engagement formats of the politically, culturally and socially active student body. To this end, all upcoming tasks should be completed smoothly and regularly – at least once a week – in accordance with legal requirements and in consultation with the AStA’s office staff and a tax consultant. At the beginning of the legislative period, the student body’s budget will be drawn up in accessible language and clearly organised based on the legal requirements and the comments of the State Court of Auditors. The definition of individual budget items should be clear. The department is concerned with driving forward the inventory of tangible assets and simplifying the modalities of reimbursements for applicants, insofar as this can be implemented safely and cost-effectively.
The department is also responsible for the recruitment and support of AStA employees. This includes the permanent office staff, the psychological counselling staff and the cleaning staff. In the area of personnel management, it is ensured that the employees have a contact person who communicates between the office and the other AStA officers. The HR managers also take care of the employees’ respective concerns. The department also issues job advertisements and conducts job interviews. We are also responsible for constantly ensuring that the working atmosphere within the office improves. We want to regularly examine how the working conditions of employees can be improved and how the AStA’s counselling services can be expanded.
Melissa Pfeiffer, Mika Bartelt and Simin Mulch