To the digital Deutschlandticket:
>> Click here to access the ticket platform <<
Important Notice: If you have applied for a refund or plan to do so in the future, please do not click on the link and do not obtain a ticket! Otherwise, a refund will no longer be possible. Further information can be found on our corresponding website.
The semester ticket is included in the semester fee and is therefore automatically paid with re-registration for the new semester. After intensive work and political pressure, the Deutschlandticket as a semester ticket was introduced at some German universities starting in the summer semester of 2024. At JLU, it was introduced in the winter semester of 2024/2025.
With this ticket, you can conveniently travel throughout Germany using local public transport (buses, trams, subways, and regional trains)! Long-distance transport (IC, ICE, EC) is not included, just like with the regular Deutschlandticket. Please ensure that your private addresses (home address and/or semester address) are correctly stored in the university’s GUDE online portal. You can find instructions here. This information is required for ticket billing with RMV.
The ticket is issued exclusively as a digital ticket – an alternative issue is only possible in justified exceptional cases. If you require such an alternative, please contact the AStA office by email. Please note that individuals who receive the ticket in an alternative form must reapply each semester.
Since the winter semester 2024/2025, an online portal has been available, which can be accessed via the link at the top. You can log in with your HRZ credentials and will receive a QR code immediately. You can also download this code into a wallet format of your choice for offline use on your mobile device – a constant internet connection is therefore not required.
Important usage information:
- A screenshot or printout of the QR code will not be accepted during inspections.
- The imprint on the student ID is not a valid proof for the Germany Semester Ticket. Although the imprint will temporarily remain, it will no longer be valid as a travel ticket from the winter semester 2024/2025.
Ticket validity periods:
- Winter semester: October 1 – March 31
- Summer semester: April 1 – September 30
Although the ticket is not free, it is still a very affordable option for students, currently costing €29.40 per month (€176.40 at JLU in the summer semester 2025), which is 60% of the regular price of €49 per month. The 40% reduction is made possible by the so-called solidarity model: all students pay the same amount, regardless of their individual use. This makes increased use of public transport for private trips worthwhile.
Thanks to nationwide validity, the ticket is ideal for short trips and weekend excursions. However, be aware that long-distance trains (IC, EC, ICE) are not included. Also, note regional special regulations for bicycle transport, which may vary by transport provider.
Price development and future of the ticket:
Starting in the winter semester 2025/2026, the price of the Germany Semester Ticket will increase to €208.80 per semester. A decision by the student parliament on whether to continue the ticket in this form or revert to the Hessenticket is pending and will be communicated in due course.